“There will be a hanging fee for this event…” Pay to play at art shows? I don’t dig on this. The historic idea of art openings, and art showings, I thought, was to sell art for the artists, and for doing this, for working for the artist, the gallery, the person selling the art would collect a percentage of the sale; but charging the artists to hang their art? This seems mercenary to me. Call it a ‘one off,” or call it what you like,it still looks like a rip off to me.
Of course, I have to always work on my acceptance of other peoples’ ideas, and behaviors and work to keep resentment, jealousy, and anger from rearing their ugly heads in me. Guide me, Lord, in thought, word, and action; thy will be done not mine.
“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.”–Source Anonymous
“Resentment is the “number one” offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick.”–Anonymous Source
“The person with the most sobriety at a meeting is the one who got up earliest that morning.”
–Sober Slogan
Up at 7:55 took Henry, and my dog out. Henry is barking, now; I am going to go get him, and bring him over here because that is what he wants, and it, certainly, beats listening to him bark! I am checking out publishers for my first book of poems, “Someday I Will Start The Revolution.” It is a numbers game, like finding indoor pools in New Jersey that want to rent their pool out to a Swimming Lesson Business. The day is beautiful; I am blessed to be here. The dogs have gone back to sleep.
Press Release for Saturday’s Ginger Murchison Poetry Reading.
Johns Creek Poetry Group February’s Featured Poet is Ginger Murchison
Saturday, February 26, 2011 10:15 AM – Noon
Northeast/Spruill Oaks Library
For directions: http://www.friendsofspruilloaks.org/outside_home.asp
Call 770-876-2904 for information
In 2001, Ginger Murchison joined poet Thomas Lux to found POETRY at TECH, Georgia Tech’s poetry program and reading series, where she was Associate Director for seven years. A two-time Pushcart nominee and a graduate of Warren Wilson’s MFA Program for Writers, she has published articles, book reviews, and interviews, and her poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, The Chattahoochee Review, Horticulture, Terminus Magazine and several anthologies, including Volumes II and III of Java Monkey Speaks: A Poetry Anthology. Her first chapbook, Out Here, was released by Jeanne Duval Editions in 2008. She is editor of The Cortland Review.
If you want to learn to express yourself through poetry, improve your writing skills, or just appreciate the craft, join us for lively presentations,workshops, and gentle critique.
New Members and Visitors are Welcome!
–Johns Creek Poetry Group
Is this what you had in mind for your Friday?
Come read a poem, or sing a song.
Mikel K is hosting a Poetry / Song Happy Hour Rant 5pm Friday Feb. 18
at The Coffee and Bagel company 2000 Cheshire Bridge Rd. Suite F (Across from Bare Necessities).
From my press release:
(across from “Bare Necessities).
Also experience the incredible art of D.M. Kerwin
and a song or two by friends of K.
The first Happy Hour Rant is this Fri. Feb. 18
starting at 5pm. Come eat bagels, drink coffee,
and perform, or watch performance.
K PICS BELOW: Top row Mikel K Poet getting read for The Poetry Rant Happy Hour at The Bagel Coffee Co. which is held every other Friday at 5 pm, starting Friday Feb. 18. Bottom Row Middle Poet Ginger Murchison surrounded by K Kats Kobain, and Jaggar.
It is almost eleven a.m. I slept late it felt good. It is raining outside, and the new R.E.M. single, “Discoverer,” is playing through my speakers. At first listen, it doesn’t sound like a bad R.E.M.song; I try, though, to never judge a song until I have listened to it quite a few times. I have a cup of coffee at my elbow. I am thankful for this, and though it is cold, and wet outside, it is warm in here, and I am thankful for that. It is a good day to be alive, but like my friend Bill Brown pointed out in a recent K stream, what day isn’t a good day to be alive? I have things to do that would carry me out into the weather, but I think that I am going to cancel all outdoor plans, and just stay where it is warm and dry.
My dog, Bundy, and my cat, Kobain, share the waterbowl, happily lapping up the fresh water that I have just poured into the bowl, while my dog, Morisson, picks up the last of the dried oatmeal that I have dropped onto the floor for him, and Bundy, to consume. Bundy was into the oatmeal, for a minute, but he is more into the water. We took a long walk this morning, and I am sure that it left him thirsty.
At the beginning of our walk, we met the most beautiful light brown colored pit bull, who I will call Dylan. Dylan had no collar and was wandering a busy street by himself. I wasn’t sure what to do, at first, but after a bit I turned my dogs around, and tried to get Dylan to follow us home. I figured that, at the least, Dylan could hang out on The Love Porch, until I figured out what to do with him. Dylan and Bundy got along well, and Morisson liked Dylan, also, so I wasn’t scared of fights.
Dylan did not follow us the whole way home; he stopped at a house that seemed familiar to him. Bundy, Morisson, and I continued our walk. I thought about Dylan the whole time that I was walking my dogs. Had I done the right thing by just walking off, and leaving him there? How the heck could I add a third dog to my pack, if that is what had to be done? How do rescue groups work? Aren’t they all full, right now, because of the lousy economy?
When I got home, I put Mo and Bundy inside, grabbed a leash, and headed back to where I had last seen Dylan. A part of me was scared that I was going to find Dylan dead in the road. I did not see him anywhere, though, and I hope that he is alright.
People, including myself, really need to keep a close eye on their dogs(mine like to wander), and all dogs should have a collar with the owner’s phone number on it.
Good luck to you Dylan. It was nice meeting you.
They’ve posted the cut off notice on their website;
if you’ve got the inclination to help with The K utility bill,
the time is now to put money in The Mikel K Tip Jar. I thank
all the folks that sent food money last week.
No man is an island, and I thank you for not letting me sink.
My unemployment check was suddenly cut off. Those folks are schizophrenic: they told me in person that I would be extended, sent me two letters saying I’d be extended, and then just sent me one saying I was cut off.
Who is hiring a poet/memoirist?