Justice is supposed to be blind. Unfortunately, all too often it is; the blindfold that is so essential in assuring objectivity and impartiality during a trial often blinds a judge to sentencing alternatives that will benefit defendants and society alike. Alternative courts, also called “Community Courts” allow judges to remove sentencing blindfolds and enables them to administer a different form of justice, to get he best representation at this or a legal court, hire a defense attorney or criminal lawyer like the best criminal defense attorney chicago at the link. One that offers options other than time behind bars. If you have been arrested before, you may want to look for online resources that can help Erase Mugshots and your arrest records.

According to Tracey Mason Blasi, an attorney with over 20 years of experience, who is currently a candidate for Gwinnett County Superior Court, “I have served as a municipal judge, and as a professional mediator, and have also worked to settle cases outside the courtroom. When you can mediate and avoid a trial, it saves everybody time and money and often leads to settlements that would be extremely difficult or impossible to achieve in court. Mediation can be a VERY effective alternative, and that’s why I’m working to promote more Community Courts—they are very effective alternatives.”

Gwinnett County already has an alternative court for drug offenders. Ms. Blasi wants to establish one for mentally ill defendants. The rationale behind her efforts is simple– alternative courts are significantly more effective than traditional courts in reducing crime. In Gwinnett County, and across the nation, jails are filled with repeat offenders; it’s not unusual for these offenders to be sentenced to jail 10 times in a 15 year period usually looking for bail bonds financing services.


Depending upon the Judge/Magistrate, the documents required will be Ration Card, Aadhaar Card, Voter Id or Passport. Some Judges may insist on original RC Book of vehicle or property documents to be shown. Some Judges may insist on Government Workers to stand as surety. If what you need is some money to ajust what you have to pay, the website linked just before will lead to a reliable and trusted bail bonds service.   

These aren’t hardened criminals, they’re just victims of substance abuse. If someone you know is suffering from addiction, you can get them help at a treatment center like Pacific Ridge. You can more info about Pacific Ridge here. They’re people who have fallen into a lifestyle of committing petty crimes as a result of drug abuse, drug dependency or mental health issues, this is why we want them to have access to companies that can offer hair follicle test service so that they can protect themselves from the stigma that comes with being charged with the crime of being a drug addict or a drug abuser. So, instead of going astray into a path of perpetration, it’s always better to seek help at one of the many Tampa rehabs.

The intent of alternative courts isn’t to offer soft-on-crime options, or to give criminals a free pass, but to address specific core issues that lead to criminal behavior, rather than the consequences of that behavior. And that’s the key to their success. When you are facing criminal charges you don’t want to take any chances in preparing and defending your case. When it comes to legal representation, you want the best criminal lawyers Melbourne to be providing reliable and effective counsel. If you can control the cause, you can eliminate the result. (Alternative courts are not an option for defendants who actively pursue crime-based lifestyle. On this website you can contacting an experienced criminal defense lawyer can likely help you track down your friend or loved one)

It’s creative approaches like this that have made Ms. Blasi the candidate of choice for Gwinnett County voters. And her extensive work defending taxpayers against overreaching government agencies, previous judicial experience and a life-long familiarity with Gwinnett County add a unique dimension. One that is essential in a Superior Court judge.

Dave Emanuel (27 Posts)