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Wanted to give you a quick heads up that I will be a guest tonight on Anything But Ordinary Blog Talk Radio Show.

Listen Live Click Here 10PM

Recorded on this player: (be patient, player is loading below)

Listen to internet radio with Michael McCleary on Blog Talk Radio

Hope to see you there!!!

Yours in Health and Fitness,
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*FYI: Yes, I am an affiliate for some of the products and services that
I recommend and endorse,but I am also a client! I never recommend
a product that I don’t find useful or cannot suggest toyou with integrity.
I only review and recommend those things that I believe would be an
excellent resource for your health, fitness and self-improvement. I
will NEVER recommend anything just fora commission, a prize or
a ‘favor’.

Team Bold Spicy (240 Posts)

Blogging Co-Op Team of Awesomeness for all things Cocktails, Music, and Fitness.