I want to first thank all of the awesome fitness experts that have reached out to support this project. All of the information, well wishes, and offers of help have been amazing. We now have consultants and contributors from all over the country.
Here are my results and the changes I made. I will measure the three C’s (confining, cumbersome, and commitment) and their level from 1-10.
The Plan:
Cardio C’s-8: Only on the Tread Mill and the Recumbent Bike. 5/7 days, one hour sessions. (Only five hours of light cardio.) Total of 1760 calories. This was one big fight with my lazy rear all week. We are lucky to have a workout room in our home or I would have diverted to the drive-thru (for a McRib) and skipped all five days of cardio ‘on my way to the gym’.
Strength Training C’s-2: 3 Days of push-ups and sit-ups 30 reps, each. (more next week) I could do this very quickly and almost anywhere. I am certain that when I start some Shari Fitness weight training this will be more cumbersome.
Nutrition C’s-11: I Started with smaller portions and more snacking. Yogurt and cottage cheese in between meals to surpress hunger. One cheat night of wings and beer. I would much prefer eating wings and beer every night with a half gallon ice cream chaser.
Results: Total Weight from 235-227. (8 pounds!), Belly measurement from 48-45 (3 inches).
Week one, we asked what was the most important change the ‘Average Joe’ could make to be more fit that was more important than all else. Overwhelmingly and cohesively our experts said that nutrition was the first and most important foundation to better health.
This week we asked the question:
What are simple ways to make proper diets easier?
Shari Fitness-FitTalkNews: “Be proactive about your diet, every Sunday, I precook all my meals for the week and it doesn’t take me long.”
Thomas Leskody-Xtreme Fitness and Chiropractic: agrees “Preparation is the key, make your meals on Sunday and Wednesday and always have good snacks around”
Bonnie Pfiester-Longevity Fitness Club & Spa: has this easy caloric math example, “If you gain 10lbs a year, that means you are only eating 95.89 calories too much every day. 10lbs in 3 months = 388 calories too much each day. Either way, if you try to eat fewer calories, you CAN control your weight!”
Terryl Worster-The Spa on Green Street: “The best way to make proper diets easier is to think of the color wheel and look at your hand….. This means that if your plate has a variety of colors on it, it is probably a healthy fare. If your protein source is the size of your palm, your protein intake is adequate.”
Kelley Bennett–Fitness Hotspots: “Set yourself up for success by making the tough choices at the grocery store. Keep tempting foods out of your house and work environment.” For healthier food choices, you may consider checking out this online Mexican grocery store.
Yogini Valarie Devi-The Shala: believes, “The best way is to think simple. Too often, diet plans are complicated, with ingredients we don’t normally eat, or don’t fit into our personal schedule. To begin, think ‘lifestyle’, not ‘diet’. Also think, What do I really like to eat?”
Stay Tuned to next week’s answers from the experts…and my progress….. or failure.
We will also be highlighting our Hometown Fitness Hero in two weeks. Wait untill you see some of these real people with real results.
Next Week’s Question: Do you prescribe supplements, vitamins, cleansing, protein shakes, diuretics, or metabolism boosting products? Do we need more nutrients than what food can provide?
Expert advice, comment, or virtual get fit teammates are welcome. Join me today.
-Damon Ladd-Thomas
One man’s honest look into the health culture, the fitness fad hysteria, and overcoming the obstacles of commitment.