This is a previous review I am adding just to get this section started.  I am certain that there are many beer connoisseurs that can review a micro-brew,  organic, or high density beer for the community.  It is very difficult to navigate all of the choices that are being offered, even at the local grocery stores.  It is easy to fall back on cheap mass-produced domestics as a default to avoid buying something new that is not very enjoyable and a little more pricey.

Peach and blueberry are my favorite fruit flavors.  I have tried some blueberry drafts on occasion when they were available at some of the more diverse watering holes.

Wild Blue was one of the beers that can be purchased at many locations in Georgia.  This beer had a very natural fruit flavor and was very refreshing the first couple of sips.  Half way through I thought it was a little too sweet. Great dessert beer. Needs more beer taste less blueberry.


If you have tried this selection feel free to add your comments below and share.

Damon Ladd-Thomas (36 Posts)