What are some secrets to managing muscle fatigue, pain, and recovery for older bodies as their fitness routines get more challenging?

By Debbie Barker

Workout with your mouth closed. We tax our adrenal glands (2 little glands located on top of our kidneys) when we breathe through our mouths.  You’ll notice your muscle soreness almost disappears when you keep the mouth closed.

Stay hydrated. Body weight divided by 2 = minimum number of ounces of WATER your body needs every day.

Balance your blood sugar. Most of us eat too many carbohydrates which make us feel tired and bloated.  Try to eat about the same number of grams of protein as carbohydrates.  It’ll help with your food cravings, too.  Notice how puffy your body looks (eyes, hands, etc) when you’ve eaten too many carbohydrates.

Stretch when you’re done working out to reduce muscle soreness and increase flexibility.

Sleep 7 – 9 hours a night. Having the best house bamboo sheets will increase the quality of your sleep. Your growth hormones are only released when you sleep and when you exercise.  More muscles mean a higher metabolism.

Limit alcohol. Remember, it’s full of sugar.

Don’t tolerate pain. The pain that you’re currently experiencing might be something more. Ask experts like Hinge Health and see what you can do. You can also get physical therapy for your body pain.


Damon Ladd-Thomas (36 Posts)