By Michelle Collins of

Perhaps you or someone you know or are related to have a little baby in the house. Congratulations! Babies are adorable. But all it takes is one bad Halloween decision to turn your most prized possession into small human monster that will haunt your dreams.If you are looking dor gag gifts, or baby accesories you need to check the new baby lovies from this amazing store, basically you can find from toys to burpies cloths and clothing for your little ones.

On that note, here are the best halloween costumes for babies, if you are a parent you will love the creativity.

50 Creepiest Baby Halloween Costumes

(Click to Read Full Article)

that you might want to avoid/buy immediately, depending on your sense of humor. Feel free to pass the word on to newbie parents. And don’t worry! They get creepier down the line… #13… I can’t. Here we go!

46. Alien Bursting out of Chicken Baby




44. Sushi Baby


41. Lobster Baby


34. Tiny Hitler



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