Antonio F. Branco is currently published weekly in the “Conservative Chronicle” a national magazine, and almost daily at, and now on Legal Insurrection.

Somewhere between the Far Side and the right side of every issue, sits A.F. Branco at his desk, crafting Comically Incorrect cartoons.  After years of listening to the squeaky wheel of the left (or the worst wheel of the cart, as Benjamin Franklin put it) advance the cause of radicalism, he decided that he would use the power of his bully palette to advance the conservative movement.

A.F.Branco is the epitome of the grassroots underground conservative minded artist.  Pulizer prize? Not yet.

Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle.

Click Here Legal Insurrection’s Facebook Page.

Click Here to see the original cartoon as well as many other on Legal Insurrection’s web site. 


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