“Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”–Lewis Carroll
“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where
you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your
command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
–George Herbert
”When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength”
–Tecumseh, Shawnee
It is warm and wonderful in my kitchen as I cook chili, and at my desk as I work on The Daily K!! How is the day treating you all? It is effing cold out there; praise who you praise for the heat you have!!
A woman from Kenya messaged me on Facebook, early this morning, and asked me what the title to my latest book was. I gave her my Lulu Url (http://stores.lulu.com/mikelkpoet). She said that she hoped that my books were available in Kenya, and I told her that they were. Now that is a great way to start your day, as a writer, with a request from half way around the world for some of your writing.
Outside, here in Atlanta, it is very cold. The dogs did their thing, and then the three of us hustled back into the house, just now. I didn’t have to call the dogs; they were there at my feet as I headed back onto the porch. As I just alluded to, it is days like these when I praise The Creator for the fact that I have heat in my home. I mean it is not fucking around out there right now; it is fucking cold. I guess that I have to give a nod to Ga. Power, also, though I do bitch about them when the bill comes: they have kept the heat on through some very nasty weather. They have kept us warm, when it is cold out there, and though I may struggle with the bill, I am happy to have one, because it means that the dogs, cats, turtles and I have heat!
I’m going to bake an egg free banana bread for me to eat; just me; alone in this abode, during this Atlanta freeze out. Well, alone except for the dogs, Morisson, and Bundy, the cats Kobain, and Jaggar, and the turtles Prynce, and Rue Paul, all four of whom take exception to me saying that I live here alone.
I could have been young forever, but I outlived that. You can’t see that I was once the way you are and that you will, with the blessing of your Higher Power, one day, be what I am now. There is no secret to it; it’s just the way things are. I think of Lewis, this morning, and Skinny Joe, and Little Mark, and Will Platt, and Greg Psomas: they stayed young forever. They went out too soon.
God Bless them. I miss them.
I could have been one of them.
K Pics Above: Left Mikel K Middle: Mikel K with his grandson Elliot Right: Mikel K on the microphone. Mikel K. Mikel K. Mikel K: ha ha!!
K Poems
Hey my dear Friend,
Today, I realized that I’m reading your poems for more than a year now,
and it brought a smile to my face.
I can not really find the words to say what I want to say, so I will keep it simple;
I have really have enjoyed your poems so far, and they gave me a frame to see my own
life in; perspective sometimes.
I hope you understand a little bit what I mean.
Thank you for your honesty and open mind and humor!
It is a real privilege to read what’s up in your mind and life!
Have a great weekend!
Big and warm hug,
(Maaike is from The Netherlands. I have a letter from her framed,
and hanging over my desk. In her letter, Maaike calls me a, “Great Amerian Poet.”
The pay checks are non-existent with this poetry gig, but things like this
make the rewards deep.–K)
Can’t you see
The boy gets GI JOE the girl gets Barbie,
the girl stays home with the kids,
the boy joins the army, comes home with his arm blown off.
April 2009
Having good food to eat is such a blessing
I start the day by eating grits
soaked in soy butter. Usually I
eat oatmeal, but, today, I am out
of oatmeal.
Grits are good; I should have put
tomatoes in them, but once I started
eating them, I was lazy.
I did add pepper to my grits;
pepper is good in grits.
So many people have nothing,
or little to eat, this morning;
I give praise to my higher power
that I have good food to eat.
February 2009
Please help us keep the lights on, and food
in the refrigerator, with a donation of $10,
$20, $35 or whatever you can afford.
Donate here now http://www.mikelk.com/
All donations of $10 or more will receive
an E-Copy of one of Mikel K’s memoirs.
I won’t quit, if you don’t.