Team Bold Spicy is so happy to welcome Nationally Recognized Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, the psychological contributor for CBS’ The Early Show, a national morning news program.   Harry Smith and his morning- anchor crew frequently rely on ‘Dr. Jen’ to help make sense of all of the current stories through her Psychological Brilliance.  Here is an example from her Blog, complete with the corresponding video appearance and ‘Dr. Jen’s’ unbelievable resume below. For more on mental health and its importance, read this new blog post about the Children Psychologists Calgary clinic.

Dr. Jen, you are Bold and Spicy!  See you on CBS’ The Early Show on Christmas Morning!

Stormy Weather

Heidi Jones, a NYC-based meteorologist, admitted to fabricating a story regarding an alleged rape at the hands of a Latino man in Central Park this week, and is now facing misdemeanor charges and possibly a year in jail for creating a false report.  I was on The Early Show with Jack Ford talking with Harry Smith about the story and why a woman, who seemingly had a lot going for her would end up in this situation.

According to reports, Ms. Jones reported that she was having some relationship troubles and acted in this manner to elicit sympathy and support.  Seems like a lot to go through to gain sympathy, no?  Many people are saying so.  Clearly, Ms. Jones is experiencing a great deal of difficulty in her life and lacks the ability to cope effectively with whatever problems she is having.  There are many hypotheses we could make regarding this, and only Ms. Jones knows the truth about why she acted in the  manner that she did.  Her emotions clearly got the better of her, impacting her judgment and creating more difficulty than she could have ever imagined.

One of the reasons cited for questioning Ms. Jones is the length of time she took to report the incident.  Many victims do not report assaults right away.  A client of mine waited 10 months before telling anyone that she was raped.  The delay in reporting does not indicate that the incident did not happen.  Many victims have difficulty acknowledging what occurred due to fear, disbelief, frustration, anger, worry that they won’t be believed, and many other reasons.  An individual’s story cannot be discounted just because they did not come forward immediately after it occurred.

In my opinion, the long and short of it is this: Ms. Jones clearly has some deep-seated issues that prompted her to act in such a way.  Hopefully, she is going to get the help she needs to work through this and move ahead in her life. It will not be an easy road, yet it is a road she must travel.

Additionally, individuals often on the front lines of these reports: mental health workers, law enforcement officers, friends and family members need to take the accusations seriously.  These types of false reports cannot take the spotlight from the true reports or the trauma and victimization will continue.

What are your thoughts on Ms. Jones’ actions?

Hear my thoughts, along with the legal ramifications, from this morning’s segment here:
Harry Smith speaks with Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein and legal analyst Jack Ford about TV weather woman Hiedi Jones’ false rape accusations.


Dr. Jen


Dr. Jennifer L. Hartstein, PsyD, is currently in private practice in New York City, specializing in the treatment of high-risk children and adolescents.  She also is an Adjunct Professor at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, part of Yeshiva University, in the Bronx, NY. Additionally, she is the psychological contributor for CBS’ The Early Show, a national morning news program.

Prior to entering into full time private practice, she was the Clinical Director of the Discovery Center at the Child and Family Institute of St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center which in the past years acquire a Used C-Arm Machine for Sale to better examine their patients.  The Discovery Center provides short-term substance abuse prevention and early intervention strategies for adolescents.  Before working at the Child and Family Institute, Dr Hartstein was the Director of the Group Psychotherapy Program, Intake Coordinator of the Adolescent Depression and Suicide Program, and Attending Psychologist, at the Child Outpatient Psychiatry Department of Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.

Dr. Hartstein received her BA from George Washington University in Washington, DC before earning her MA in Dance/Movement Therapy from Hahnemann University in Philadelphia.  She worked as an Allied Therapist on two adolescent inpatient units, creating and implementing group therapy programs, before returning to Yeshiva University to complete her doctorate in School-Child Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Hartstein works with children, adolescents and their families who have a wide range of psychological diagnoses.  She has received intensive training in adolescent suicide assessment and has specialized in this population for several years, using a variety of treatment approaches, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy.  Dr. Hartstein has published and presented on teen-related issues, and has been asked to speak as an expert on a variety of psychological issues in print and on television and radio.

Dr. Hartstein lives and practices in New York City.

Team Bold Spicy (250 Posts)

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